Private Education Loans

After exhausting all opportunities available from the federal and state aid programs, many parents and students will consider private loan programs as a source of funding. As always, taking on debt for any reason should be done deliberately and only for the amounts needed. If you plan to borrow a Private Educational Loan, you will need to select a lender. The lender is the institution from which the money is actually borrowed.

All lenders are not the same. It pays to make an informed decision when selecting a lender. You will be entering in a long-term relationship with the institution. Reasons for selecting a particular lender vary from person to person. Some choose based on name or brand recognition or reputation. Others prefer the immediate benefit of below-market processing fees. Still others are interested in borrower benefits in repayment, like an interest rate reduction as a reward for making consecutive on-time payments. We encourage families to use the lender and the loan product that best meets their need